Volume 29, 2 (2020)


Volume 29, 2 (2020)


Christine Stevens

Goodbye from Caroline
Caroline Hutcheon

A tribute to Christine Kennett (1953–2020) - Belinda Harris          

Remembering Philip Lichtenberg (1926–2020) - Janneke van Beusekom and Cathy Gray

Phronesis and knowing through movement: working with Gestalt psychotherapy online - Helena Kallner

 ‘Endlessly worth understanding’: a phenomenological exploration of the experience of grieving - Fiona Turnbull 

Looking at autism now - Susan Gregory                                                                                                                     

Ways and means of the phenomenological attitude in a field perspective. The Secret Longing: a pragmatic clinical compass - Vincent Béja                                         

Figures of interest on working with OCD. A review of Obsessive-Compulsive Experiences: A Gestalt therapy perspective edited by Gianni Francesetti, Elisabeth Kerry-Reed and Carmen Vázquez Bandin - Rachael Kellett                        

Working with adolescents: tales from the therapist’s chair. A review of Adolescent Psychotherapy: A Radical Relational Approach by Bronagh Starrs. - Jon Blend                                         

Gestalt in action: a wonderful example. A review of Supporting Human Dignity in a Collapsing Field: Gestalt approach in the social and political contexts edited by Joanna Kato, Guus Klaren and Nurith Levi - Frans Meulmeester                              

A cut of the cake: exploring absence, atmosphere, and ethics in Gestalt theory and practice. A review of Psychopathology and Atmospheres: Neither Inside nor Outside edited by Gianni Francesetti and Tonino Griffero - Rosie Burrows                             

A personal reflection on hope and its usefulness - Maggie Marriott

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